Friday, June 12, 2009

Do you have the time?

Time fascinates me. Every person or thing that has ever crawled, walked, or flown on our island Earth has had a specific amount of time doled out to them. Everyone's time is different. Total length of time is determined by our actions, the affects of the environment on each of us, and by the influence of the positions of the celestrial bodies at the moment of our birth. We don't know just how much total time we have. A few will know how much time they have remaining. Of them, such as the condemmed prisoner waiting for his execution, I wonder if they waste the time they have left waiting for their time to be over, watching the clock as the hours and minutes tick away.

If death and the total length of time available are taken out of the equation then we all have the same amount of time. Each one of us has exactly 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days per year. "I don't have time for that". Ever heard this statement? Probably at least every week. Actually, when you consider time to be a constant then the lack of time is really just a scheduling/priority factor.

Everything changes with time. As we go thru life, we may experience periods of time that are frought with extreme difficulty, financial success, romance, and an entire host of other influences. Situations improve and grow steadily worse; all with time.

Along with time there has to be motion. For without motion everything is static, like in a vacuum. Time only travels in one direction and that is forward. We can look back in time but it is only history and memories.

Time always travels at the same speed but it seems that depending on your age it might be going too fast or too slow. At 8 years old we can't wait for Christmas. At 15 we are going crazy as we wait for our 16th birthday so we can get a driver's license. Each week takes a month. A couple of additional significant life events and then you wake up one morning and you are a full grown adult. At this point you might look forward to the next holiday as you anticipate spending time with family but the holidays will start to blur into one another as you get older. Before you know it, 10 years have passed. What's the next thing to look forward to? Retirement. It's the gateway to the end of everything. The start of the golden years, the final slip down the path towards the end of our time.

Make the most of your time.

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